Upcoming HTYM events & meetings!

We just wanted to quickly get the word out a bit wider about a couple of big upcoming events.

Also, Mondays have three monthly ministries for high schoolers, each meet once a month. This week is St. Gianna’s Life Defenders’ monthly meeting (they meet 2nd Mondays); this is our parish’s pro-life high school ministry. Also, St. Thomas’s Youth Apologists apologetics ministry meets on 4th Mondays (next on November 23), and Gamemasters board-gaming ministry meets on 1st Mondays (next on December 7). Currently, all of our meetings are being held on the pond side of the building, near the basement doors.

— Turkey Cup sign-up! https://forms.gle/R2HTa1fGEvaee72XA

All high schoolers are welcomed to come by and join us at any of these meetings, any month. We hope that you’ll consider coming by!

We are in need of great adult volunteers for these (and other) ministries, too, so please contact Paul if you’d like to learn more.

To hear more about these or any of the other Holy Trinity Youth Ministries (HTYM), please email Paul: youthministry@holytrinityparish.net.